
Tech-Forward: Innovations Reshaping Real Estate Design

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview with Ms. Amrita Gupta, Director of Manglam Group and Founder President of CREDAI Rajasthan Women’s Wing

  1. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started in the real estate market?

My journey into the real estate market started with designing residential projects with a passion for creating innovative and sustainable spaces. Armed with a background in design and architecture along with a deep understanding of the Indian market, I entered the real estate sector driven by a vision of contributing to the evolution of modern living in India. This journey has been a fascinating exploration of design, market trends, and the dynamic intersection of architecture and consumer preferences.


  1. In a demanding field like real estate, how do you manage to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Achieving a healthy work-life balance in real estate requires a strategic approach. Time management is critical, and I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Setting clear boundaries helps maintain personal time, and I actively cultivate a supportive work culture that encourages the team to strike their own balance. Delegating responsibilities and promoting a culture of well-being contribute significantly to achieving equilibrium.


  1. What obstacles have you faced in the real estate sector, and how have you overcome them? How have these encounters influenced your style of leadership?

The real estate sector has many challenges, from market fluctuations to regulatory hurdles. Each obstacle has been an invaluable learning experience, shaping my leadership style to be adaptive and resilient. Collaboration and strategic planning have become hallmarks of my approach, emphasizing a team-centric mindset to overcome obstacles collectively.


  1. How is technology fostering growth in the real estate industry?

Technology is a driving force behind the growth of the real estate industry. AR/VR solutions have transformed the home-buying experience, providing immersive and interactive property exploration. Smart home features and digital platforms enhance efficiency and transparency, revolutionizing transactions. This tech integration not only improves customer experiences but also streamlines processes, fostering overall industry growth.


  1. How does Mangalam utilize technology in real estate design?

At Mangalam, we seamlessly integrate technology into our real estate designs. Our projects exemplify smart living with features like home automation, energy-efficient systems, and cutting-edge digital tools during the design phase. This commitment to incorporating technology ensures that our spaces align with contemporary lifestyles while prioritizing environmental consciousness.


  1. What are the trends that are emerging in the luxury housing sector?

Luxury housing is evolving to offer a blend of opulence and functionality. Personalized amenities, eco-friendly features, and integrated smart home systems are becoming defining characteristics. The focus on wellness spaces, including fitness centers and green areas, reflects a broader trend toward creating holistic living experiences for residents.


  1. Can you discuss strategies that have proven effective in encouraging and empowering more women to enter and excel in the real estate sector?

Encouraging and empowering more women in real estate involves implementing strategic initiatives. Mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and targeted skill-building efforts are crucial. Creating a supportive ecosystem that celebrates achievements and ensures diverse voices are heard contributes to breaking down gender barriers and fostering an inclusive environment.


  1. In what ways can initiatives for sustainability and environmental responsibility be aligned with luxury properties?

Integrating sustainability with luxury properties requires a thoughtful approach. This involves incorporating eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, and green spaces without compromising on elegance and luxury. By setting an example with high-end properties, the real estate industry can showcase a commitment to both luxury projects and the environment.


  1. Could you elaborate on the steps you have taken to create a safe and inclusive environment for CRWW members?

Initiatives for creating a safe and inclusive environment within CREDAI Rajasthan Women’s Wing (CRWW) encompass robust anti-discrimination policies, workshops on diversity, and mentorship programs. Fostering open dialogue and maintaining a steadfast commitment to inclusivity ensures that all members feel valued, supported, and empowered.


  1. What future innovations or improvements do you anticipate for the real estate industry?

The future of real estate promises exciting innovations, including further integration of artificial intelligence for predictive analytics, advancements in sustainable construction materials, and the continued evolution of smart home technologies. These innovations are poised to make the industry more efficient, sustainable, and technologically advanced.


  1. What advice would you offer to women who are venturing into the real estate industry?

To women venturing into the real estate industry, my advice is to embrace boldness, persistence, and unapologetic ambition. Seek mentorship from industry leaders, continuously educate yourself on market trends, and be confident in expressing your ideas. View challenges as opportunities for growth, and remember that diversity is a strength that brings fresh perspectives to the real estate table. Be a trailblazer, paving the way for future generations of women in this dynamic field.