
Tech Leadership in the Hybrid Work Era: Striking the Balance Between Melding Here, There, and Everywhere

By Puneet Kumar

The hybrid work era has arrived, melding the home and corporate office. In this landscape, tech leaders must embrace multifaceted roles as IT experts, employee wellness champions, and protectors of the digital realm. According to the Unispace Global Workplace Insights report, over 90% of employees expect to be in the office at least four days a week[1]. But what about the remaining 10%? How do we accommodate their needs and adapt to the slow but steady demand for hybrid work?

Foremost, let’s address how tech leaders are leveraging communication tools. As digital workspaces become the norm, the demand for collaboration tools has skyrocketed. However, it’s important to realize that merely having these tools is not enough; the key lies in using them effectively. Guiding teams on the best practices for these tools is a vital responsibility for a tech leader. The Global Hybrid Working Report 2023[2] by the Insights Group highlights that building relationships and maintaining social connections have become more challenging in hybrid teams, with 40% of employees missing social connection and casual conversations. This suggests that remote workers may feel left out of important information and discussions when they are not physically present in the office.

In hybrid workspaces, written and verbal communication supplants non-verbal cues, inviting potential misunderstandings and inadvertently fostering suboptimal collaboration. The remedy? Overcommunicate in writing and compensate for the lack of non-verbal signals during remote calls. Encourage video calls over audio-only conversations to maintain a semblance of face-to-face communication.

Next on the docket is cybersecurity. As tech leaders, we are the custodians of the virtual domains where our companies operate. Our mission is to uphold the integrity of our systems and safeguard our data. A report by McKinsey notes that cyberattacks have become more sophisticated in recent years, and remote work setups offer an attractive target for criminals. Therefore, tech leaders must remain vigilant and take steps to secure their organization’s networks and data. In the hybrid work era, securing a physical workspace is no longer sufficient. Teams connect from around the globe, accessing sensitive company resources that, if mishandled, could spell disaster. Access management, authorization, and auditing must be fortified like never before.

The shift to hybrid work is not just a corporate challenge; it’s a personal one for employees too. The concept of “work from home” is still novel for many, with family dynamics yet to fully adapt. Educating employees on professional remote work practices—such as using video for calls, finding a quiet workspace, and ensuring reliable internet connectivity—is essential. These guidelines need to be not just shared, but consistently reinforced to maintain a productive remote work environment.

Lastly, we mustn’t overlook employee well-being. As tech leaders, our responsibility extends beyond system health to the welfare of our teams. The transition to hybrid work has blurred the lines between professional and personal life, risking an ‘always-on’ culture that can lead to burnout. At Dyninno India, we prioritize a work-life balance, fostering an environment that allows team members to transition seamlessly between their work and personal lives.

To sum it up, the hybrid work era has revolutionized the role of tech leaders. We must be the ambassadors of effective communication, the stewards of cybersecurity, and the proponents of employee well-being, all while walking the tightrope between remote and on-site work.

So, here’s to the tech leaders, the maestros of the hybrid work orchestra. We’re crafting a new work paradigm, one where productivity doesn’t compromise well-being, and security doesn’t stifle innovation. The challenges are vast, but as Steve Jobs wisely put it, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”, and we are determined to lead. In India, where the tech landscape and the expectations of employees are rapidly changing, the role of tech leaders in navigating this hybrid work model is more crucial than ever.


(The author is Puneet Kumar, CTO, Dyninno India, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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