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6 Ways Blockchain Speeds Up Digital Transformation for Businesses

digital transformation

In recent years, the business sector has experienced a constant influx of new trends and advances. Businesses are searching for new technologies that are crucial to their survival in the digital age. By utilising market-disrupting technology, digital transformation for businesses enables them to make strategic decisions, streamline company operations, and create new business models. One of the major technologies accelerating business change is blockchain. Despite the fact that blockchain has significantly increased in popularity in the context of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, terminology confusion persists. They continue to equate blockchain with bitcoin and frequently use the two terminologies interchangeably.

In this article, we’ll examine some of the ways blockchain can be utilised for your business. Entrepreneurs and large organisations are using it to improve and rework existing procedures.

Management and tracking of Asset

The largest shipping business in the world, Maersk, already uses the Hyperledger Fabric to track shipping containers around the world and more easily verify that records haven’t been tampered with. It was created by IBM and Digital Asset to save data encrypted in a “chain code,” making it more secure than other asset management and monitoring systems. Many sectors that own, manage, maintain, or insure substantial assets are learning that blockchain characteristics, such as record security, are more worthwhile to investigate than traditional software, especially when records can be swiftly changed.

Replacing the Former Contracts

Contracts are another area where blockchain could be useful. Automated enforcement requires the agreement of each smart contract party. The conditions of a contract must be met with the required proof before it can be carried out. If you don’t comply with the terms, payment can be withheld. Smart contracts have several advantages over traditional contracts, and the tech sector should look into this more with the help of law firms. Companies from all across the world would benefit.

Strengthened Safety

The frequency of cyberattacks is increasing. All sizes of businesses are in danger. Blockchain security is far more robust than conventional security measures. The fact that a blockchain’s data is decentralised and is stored in sections on several computers, or “nodes,” is one advantage. Unlike common servers and data repositories, like the cloud, where everything is centralised. In the event that a cybercriminal breaches a traditional store, everything is at risk. Blockchain prevents this from happening. Undamaged machines, commonly known as “nodes,” would continue to run to verify and maintain track of all the data on the network until the hacker could take down the entire network at once (which is nearly difficult). Sensitive data is safer in a distributed network since it is very impossible to completely delete one.

Recordkeeping and data compliance

In the business world, data is a valuable resource. Cybercriminals will do whatever to gain access to your systems. The security of your data could significantly improve if blockchain entrepreneurs working on this issue can find a way to apply it in a corporate context – with user-friendly apps.

Blockchain as a Digital Transactions Platform Yardstick

Instead of being held centrally, a blockchain is a virtual database that is maintained in a network with local copies of the database owned by each user. No data in the database may be secretly changed by a user due to the decentralised structure and use of cryptographic methods. Each transaction must also be broadcast to the whole network as a block that has been cryptographically protected and confirmed (proof-of-work method). In this method, peer-to-peer transactions can be trusted to a high degree without the involvement of a third party, thanks to the blockchain. As B2B and B2C businesses quickly transition to a digital market, blockchain has the potential to become an essential technology of digital transformation. It increases consumer, customer, trade partner, and business partner confidence and security in the anonymous world of cross-border digital communication.

Accelerating Business Processes using Blockchain

Speed is one of the most crucial factors that will set you apart from the competition when it comes to digital transformation. Additionally, businesses that use blockchains for data storage and transfer enjoy exceptionally high levels of security. Using this as a base, you may build fully automated transactions across a range of commercial sectors. This approach is not only extremely rapid but also trustworthy and secure.

As a long-term answer to data security, record keeping, and compliance, blockchain provides a number of applications that will make it easier for businesses to operate and thrive. There are a number of additional ways that blockchain may and will affect businesses. These are just the beginning; as technology develops, blockchain will be integrated more deeply into businesses, enabling a more dependable, efficient, and secure process for many businesses. With Bayshore, you can now begin the digital transformation of your firm.


(The author is Mr. Deepak Syal, Director and Co-founder GreyB, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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