CXO Bytes

The importance of brand advocacy in digital marketing and how to include it?

Digital marketing

In today’s fast-paced digital world, brand advocacy is the real deal! It’s like having a squad of cheerleaders rooting for your brand, waving their pom-poms and spreading the word about how awesome your brand is. And in an era where influencer marketing is all the rage, capitalizing on brand advocacy can be a game-changer for your business.


So, why should you care about brand advocacy in your digital marketing strategy? Well, here are some sweet benefits that will make your leadership team high-five each other:


  1. Authenticity rules: When it comes to building trust, authenticity is the key ingredient. Brand advocates are genuine customers who have experienced your products or services and are genuinely excited about them. Their testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content carry a lot of weight because they are perceived as unbiased and real. This authenticity can boost your brand’s credibility and create a positive impression on potential customers.
  2. Costeffective marketing: Brand advocacy can be a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to traditional advertising or influencer marketing. While influencer partnerships can sometimes be expensive, brand advocates are your loyal customers who spread the word about your brand voluntarily. They do it out of love for your brand, without expecting any financial compensation. This can result in significant cost savings while still driving impactful marketing outcomes.
  3. Increased customer loyalty: Brand advocates are not just one-time customers, but loyal fans who keep coming back for more. By nurturing and engaging with brand advocates, you can foster long-term customer relationships, increase customer loyalty, and boost customer retention rates. Loyal customers are more likely to recommend your brand to others, become repeat buyers, and provide valuable feedback for improving your products or services.
  4. Enhanced customer engagement: Brand advocates are your brand’s biggest cheerleaders, and they can create a buzz around your brand on social media and other online platforms. Their enthusiastic endorsements, testimonials, and user-generated content can spark conversations, generate likes, shares, and comments, and create a sense of community around your brand. This increased customer engagement can result in higher brand visibility, reach, and engagement, leading to potential new customers.
  5. Insightful feedback: Brand advocates are passionate about your brand and often provide valuable feedback and insights on how you can improve your products or services. They can be a valuable source of feedback on what’s working and what’s not, helping your leadership team make informed decisions and drive product or service improvements. This feedback loop can be invaluable in shaping your brand’s strategy and staying ahead of the competition.
  6. Positive brand reputation: Brand advocates can play a crucial role in shaping your brand’s reputation online. Their positive testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content can create a positive brand image and reputation, which can influence potential customers’ perception of your brand. This can result in improved brand sentiment, increased brand trust, and a positive brand perception, which are vital for business success in today’s competitive landscape.
  7. Greater customer reach: Brand advocates can amplify your brand’s reach beyond your immediate customer base. When they share their positive experiences with your brand on social media, review sites, or through word-of-mouth, they are essentially spreading the word about your brand to their networks. This can lead to increased brand exposure and reach to potential customers who might not have been aware of your brand otherwise, expanding your customer base.


In conclusion, brand advocacy is a powerful marketing strategy that can benefit your leadership team in multiple ways. It brings authenticity, cost-effectiveness, customer loyalty, enhanced engagement, insightful feedback, positive brand reputation, and greater customer reach to your digital marketing efforts. By nurturing and leveraging your brand advocates, you can create a loyal and enthusiastic customer base that will actively promote your brand.Top of Form


(This article is written by Ajit Narayan, CMO, Socxo, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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