
Technology continues to be pivotal in revolutionizing rehab-care methods

CXOToday has engaged in an exclusive interview with Mr. Abhinav Tripathi, Chief Technology Officer, HCAH


  1. How tech is playing a pivotal role in transforming the rehab care and transition care market?

Answer: Technology is transforming rehabilitation and transition care by providing new tools that significantly improve the quality of care for patients. Wearable devices and remote monitoring enable healthcare professionals to track patients’ progress in real-time, adjust treatments and provide remote care, reducing the need for hospital visits. Virtual reality and gamification increase patient engagement and motivation by creating simulated environments and turning rehabilitation exercises into interactive games. Electronic health records and telemedicine facilitate the coordination of care and continuity as patients move from one setting to another. The ongoing advancements in these technologies have the potential to revolutionize how care is provided to patients. With further investment and innovation in these technologies, healthcare professionals can continue to improve outcomes and provide more personalized and effective care to patients in need.

2. Are telehealth and remote monitoring the future of the out-of-hospital care landscape?

Answer: Telehealth and remote monitoring have become increasingly popular options for out-of-hospital care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth allows patients to connect with healthcare providers through video, phone, and other communication technologies, while remote monitoring allows healthcare providers to monitor patients’ health using wearable devices, sensors, and other technologies. These options can improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery, and potentially catch issues early, to avoid hospitalizations. They can enhance access to healthcare services, particularly for the elderly and also for those who live in remote locations or do not have easy access to hospitals. While telehealth and remote monitoring are not solutions for all healthcare challenges, they are likely to become increasingly important in the future as technology advances, and more people become comfortable with using these services.

3. How has HCAH been using robotics and other health technologies to serve patients across its centres?

Answer: Robotics is playing an increasingly crucial role in rehab care by providing more precise, efficient, and cost-effective treatments. Robotics used in physical therapy and rehabilitation have helped improve patient outcomes and speed up recovery times. HCAH has made investments in both hardware and software technology to improve rehabilitation services for patients. Our investments include robotic hands, gamified balance labs, speech labs, occupational therapy (OT) labs, specialized treadmills with unweighing systems, tilt tables, and small muscle rehab tables. These tools are utilized to provide high-quality rehabilitation to help patients transition from being bedridden to walking independently. In addition to hardware, we have also invested in software to monitor patients’ progress, maintain records, and showcase outcomes. To expand our reach, we have developed a digital rehabilitation platform available to patients nationwide through our app.

4. How HCAH is leveraging technology to improve healthcare services and accessibility for the elderly?

Answer: India is facing a growing elderly population, expected to reach approximately 158.7 million by 2025. As people age, they experience physiological deterioration and physical changes that can lead to multiple co-morbidity conditions, creating a challenge for the healthcare system. However, preventive healthcare and health-tech adaptiveness are slowly percolating into families and communities, bringing about incremental changes. Traditionally, elderly people would have to visit healthcare providers physically due to a lack of digital facilities, but the emergence of telemedicine, remote monitoring devices, mobile apps, and wearables is enabling elderly people to manage their healthcare from the comfort of their own homes. These technologies not only save time and money but also provide a social connection for older adults who may feel isolated. With this higher quality of assistance, the elderly are able to maintain their independence and financial freedom, while enjoying a healthy and stress-free life. Health-tech companies like HCAH are providing such services including Assisted Living to meet the changing demands of the senior citizens. As a result, there is an opportunity to provide physical and emotional support to the elderly population without burdening their families with caregiving.

5. What are the company’s plans for 2023?

Answer: So far, we have been able to achieve quite a few milestones and we only plan to look ahead from here. In our efforts to expand our presence in the rehabilitation sector, we plan to increase the number of beds from 250 to 750 by the end of the fiscal year 2024. We have also launched our next transition care centre in Kolkata to sustain our momentum in providing high-quality care across regions. With the recent acquisition of Seniority, we are India’s largest geriatric platform and we will extend our range of products and services to offer a comprehensive solution for the rapidly aging population. Our goal is to create India’s largest “Out-of-Hospital service delivery platform” to enhance the availability and affordability of the healthcare infrastructure.

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