
Upskilling! A priority or necessity in India: New Education policy on Skill-based education

Skill-based education is the type of education which focusses on life skills and is said to be an important aspect that is looked up in any professional. Every student needs to develop certain skills in order to prosper in his academics as well as in his career. In order to implement skill-based education in schools and colleges, it requires to build certain parts within the system like Building employability skills with relevant core skills and academic knowledge, relevant skills that will help them upgrade themselves in a dynamic way. Colleges should  partner with different training institutions that provide professional development skills like personality development, communication skills, interview skills, etc.  With the Introduction of skill development in the curriculum which is of utmost importance for laying a strong foundation for life and for seamless transition from student to a working professional, we can be sure that this will produce a superior workforce for the Nation. Mr.  Harsh Bharwani, CEO & Managing Director of Jetking in a discussion with CXOToday shares his detailed insights on the same.

Is Skill-based education the future of education for growing professionals?

– Students take responsibility for their learning through skill-based education, which helps them close the knowledge gap. The examination displays their competency rather than their grades, and the educational process is a fantastic boon for dropouts because it allows them to continue without a gap. The entire structure is based on the individual, and students have control over their learning through exams and hands-on projects.

Students are nurtured to become effective leaders in their chosen area through skill-based learning. It is critical for kids to think beyond grades and gain real-world skills in order to support this process. In traditional schooling, these physical experiences are sometimes missed.


Upskilling is the trend for the next 5 Years, explain the ways to improve skill development with institutions?

– The skills gap is so acute that according to Gartner, 58 percent of employees require new skills in order to accomplish their jobs properly. Upskilling, or the process of broadening an employee’s skill set (usually by adding to an existing body of knowledge), is a critical answer to this problem.

It’s a worldwide problem. A report from the World Economic Forum (WEF) recently detailed the economic importance of upskilling. It claims that now is a critical time for businesses to embark on a “upskilling revolution” that will allow employees around the world to immerse themselves in the future of work, whatever that may involve.

Priority Areas and Skills as a Way to Upskill:

  • Upskilling should be incorporated into employee performance and development
  • Employees should be enrolled in courses or training programs
  • Make use of both internal and external resources
  • Make use of both domestic and foreign experts
  • Follow-up and Progress Monitoring


What needs to change in the education system in India?

– Here are seven immediate reforms to the Indian educational system that are required:

  • Rote learning: Schools should be encouraged to implement conceptual learning, which prevents students from memorizing what they are taught. This will not only help students grasp the concepts better, but it will also help them retain and apply them more
  • Instead of focusing on a three-hour exam, the grading system should focus on a student’s classroom involvement, projects, communication and leadership abilities, and extracurricular
  • Equal regard for all subjects: Instead of creating a distinction between subjects, students should be encouraged to follow the topic that they
  • Teach them why education is important: Students must be taught about life’s morality and instilled with humanistic values. They should be educated that life is about much more than money, and that success isn’t measured in dollars


What are the various skills students need to learn while achieving their higher education degrees?

– The abilities listed below will assist you in developing your own internal organization and succeeding in college:


Make a weekly calendar that covers class time, studying, activities, work, meals, study, and social time. Being a college student is equivalent to working full-time. Each class will require several hours of studying and preparation.


Regular exercise, proper rest, excellent nutrition, prayer, and/or meditation are all recommended methods of stress reduction. Finding ways to expand coping tools can assist pupils in reducing the difficulties that life will throw at them.


Even the greatest high school pupils do not always have strong study habits. Reading a textbook, taking notes in class, using the library, and taking multiple choice examinations are all skills that will help you succeed in the classroom.


It is critical to acquire autonomous money handling skills, like balancing a check book, using an ATM, reading a bank statement, and learning to make smart budgeting decisions.


Speak out for yourself in a confident, non-aggressive manner rather than passively allowing others to take advantage of you. Roommate communication, study groups, teams, and dispute resolution all benefit from assertiveness skills. They also entail study and practise.


Which is more important, Skills or Degrees to show the capabilities of professionals in the system?

– Employers have traditionally used the baccalaureate, and in certain circumstances higher degrees, as a stepping stone to an interview. You wouldn’t be able to get in if you didn’t have the sheepskin. However, the times have changed. Artificial intelligence, big data analytics, robotics, and the emergence of quantum computing have produced an environment in which most of what is learnt in college becomes obsolete in a few of years. The soft talents of creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, and leadership, for example, do not go out of style and are still in high demand among employers. However, as technology ripples through the business and society, the hard facts and skills of most fields are altering.

A degree can help you get a job, but it won’t help you advance if you don’t have the necessary skills. – It is a person’s ability to attract employers, clients, and management that determines whether he or she gets promoted or demoted. Alone without skill, the individual would be unable to pique their superiors’ interest and achieve success.


Should skill development be a must for students planning their higher education studies?

– There is presently an overwhelming need for competent personnel in the changing world environment of industry and the employment market. However, the concept of’skill’ in India, as well as the rest of the world, has evolved in recent years.

India is a young country, with roughly 28 million young people joining the workforce each year. More than half of the population is under the age of 25, and more than 65 percent is under the age of 35. In 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years, whereas China’s will be 37 and Japan’s will be 48.

Living skills are a necessary aspect of being able to deal with the challenges of everyday life in a continuously changing world. The enormous developments in global economics over the last five years have been synchronized with advancements in innovation technologies. All of this has a greater impact on education, the workplace, and our personal lives.


What is the probability of students growing more after learning certain life skills in a professional setting?

– Exploring self-awareness entails understanding and articulating numerous aspects of one’s identity, such as cultural, social, and familial influences. Furthermore, identifying one’s abilities and understanding how to apply them transforms self-awareness into leadership ability, resulting in personal and professional success. Finally, developing self-awareness necessitates a greater understanding of the student’s personal talents, values, and interests, as well as how these traits connect to effective leadership.

Students will be able to:

  • Develop and display a true sense of
  • Develop and maintain a thorough awareness of one’s own
  • Develop a sense of individual and career responsibility and put it into
  • Demonstrate an understanding of personal views and values, as well as a willingness to engage in ongoing personal evaluation and
  • Learn to strike a balance between confidence and humility
  • Assert a stronger personal character as well as a stronger ethical
  • Using the entire set of knowledge and skills gained from a Saddleback College education to achieve life success (for oneself and others).


How have certain ways of upskilling changed in institutions in the world today?    – — Change is on the way, and the workforce is aware of it. Sixty-one percent of people feel global megatrends have and will continue to have a significant impact on their careers. As a result, many people spend a lot of time honing their skills. The vast majority of people are also willing to learn new skills in order to become more appealing candidates for different occupations.

People feel that in order to succeed in the future, they must master a combination of cognitive and interpersonal abilities, allowing them to think analytically while also communicating and collaborating with superiors and coworkers. They prefer to learn on the job, on their own, and through online classes and smartphone apps to other, more traditional methods when they require new skills training.

Upskilling and reskilling attitudes, demographic and regional disparities in those attitudes, and people’s learning choices all have ramifications for businesses and governments.

Companies must be aware of these developments in order to future-proof their workforce and increase their attractiveness to potential employees. They must be taken into account by government authorities in order to promote job-training initiatives and other programmes that keep people employed and prepare young people for the workforce. Individuals who want to be in demand in a changing job market must assume responsibility for keeping their skills current and realize that job-related training is a lifetime commitment.


How have higher education institutions trained professionals and helped them upskill within their jobs?

– When compared to non-traditional educational providers, universities frequently lack business expertise. They’ll have to boost their marketing game and use the most up-to-date digital sales experience and strategies. The following are some suggestions for making your programs more commercially appealing:

  • Participants will be able to attend modules at their own pace, allowing them to fit their studies around their work
  • collaborating with professors and universities to give participants a wider range of disciplines to choose from
  • Providing official degrees to recurring clients (i.e., learners) because this is something that only institutions can do thus

To avoid cannibalism, most universities charge the same amount for their online and physical programs. Several colleges, on the other hand, have recently begun to vary between their online and offline prices, offering different services in each scenario. For example, online training is less expensive because it is delivered to larger audiences with less contact. Offline courses for smaller groups are supplemented by a specific social programme that includes experiences, dinners, excursions, and company visits. Universities will have to adapt to accommodate pricing in the same way that their non-traditional rivals do.


What are the important upskilling perspectives used in training institutions?

– For European policymakers and stakeholders, adult upskilling and reskilling is a top issue. Rapidly changing labor markets and multiple challenges, such as digitalization and its implications for the future of work, technological advancements, the environment, ageing societies, and social inclusion, necessitate strong skill foundations as well as constant updating and acquisition of new skills, knowledge, and competencies.

Adapting and simplifying existing structures and resources to unleash synergies, opening the way for coordinated and coherent approaches to upskilling paths, as well as the necessary support and execution, is the goal of decision-making.

Job-centric upskilling, on the other hand, views skill development as merely one aspect of the road to success. It’s crucial to get the job seeker hired, but true success requires that people enjoy their positions and that their employers are satisfied with their work.

Position-centric upskilling, in most circumstances, does not require generalist training; instead, it trains for a single job. Furthermore, the first training is followed by keeping a relationship with both the job seeker (through on-the-job support) and the employing firm, in order to gauge performance months later.


When did Institutions start training individuals with higher skills needed with Web3?

– For a small percentage of the world’s population, education has long been everything. Skills training, research, personal exploration, social networks, a place to grow up, sports, companionship, a verifiable credential, and more are all available. This system, known as ed1, brought these aspects together to establish some of the world’s best and most influential institutions, but also left a lot of people out.

When students and parents think of education, they generally think of skills training, both in secondary school and in higher education. The idea of obtaining skills that would secure a job or a place at university is at the heart of the question of “is education worth it” or “is the school good.” Some educational institutions, such as technical schools or polytechnic colleges, place a strong emphasis on this component of education. Non-traditional learning methods, such as technology bootcamps, have also become popular for acquiring these abilities. However, this training is less of a priority in research universities and liberal arts colleges.


What skills are needed for individuals as technology advances?

– If you incorporate talents and capabilities in your resumes and cover letters, you will be able to find work. You must make a positive first impression on the human resources departments of the companies where you wish to work.

It’s critical to align your skill sets with what employers seek. It’s critical to strike the correct balance of hard and soft talents. While your communication skills may be the deciding factor, your technological abilities may be required to get your foot in the door.

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it” is a term that relates to resumes and cover letters. You must emphasize your abilities, no matter how little they are. Here are some things to think about when highlighting these abilities:

What you excel at. Make a list of the things you can accomplish better than the majority of people.

As stated in the job description. Consider how well your skills match the requirements of the business for which you are applying.

What are the necessary skills? If you don’t have the particular skill sets the company is seeking for, try to present your competences as transferable skills.

Include your technical abilities in your resume and cover letter once you’ve established which ones your potential company desires. Make them stand out by framing them in a unique way.

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