
Design Automation is Here and Every Business Can Benefit from it

Design Automation

These days, it’s become extremely important for a company to have a strong online presence, which includes everything from beautiful and professional websites to high-quality images, banners, eBooks, and other graphic elements.

However, graphic design is a time-consuming and expensive process; how are business owners without a huge budget – like freelancers and small business owners – supposed to afford an online presence that’s up to industry standards?

Change has Arrived

There’s a huge demand for quality design automation tools across the world, and companies are delivering.

For instance, Tailor Brands is one of the most advanced brand design tools in the market today. It uses artificial intelligence technology to create premium-quality logos for different businesses, helping them to brand.

To use the platform, all you have to do is enter the name of your business, and then make a few quick selections about the kind of design you want. Since it uses a unique AI algorithm, the platform creates original and attractive logos on its own, and in just a matter of minutes!

Other design automation tools out there include home page generators and platforms that turn sketches into icons, so that non-designers can use quality icons in their mockups. There are tools available for nearly every design need at reasonable prices, and to the delight of small business owners, the field is only going to continue growing with time.

But, aside from being innovative and high-tech, what are the advantages of these design automation tools? To answer that question, we first have to take a look at the history of graphic design and how we got to his point.

The Advent of Design Automation

Graphic design tools have existed for decades, only their scale and ease-of-use have improved over time. Adobe Photoshop, the ultimate graphic design tool, has been around for 25 years now, making the process of creating designs, digital ad banners, social media images, etc. easier than ever.

Yet, while advanced graphics design tools have made the jobs of designers a lot easier, companies–especially those with small teams and limited market reach–aren’t able to avail of their services due to lack of design skills and high costs. This is why automation was introduced in the design process, and it’s changed the game completely!

Now that we understand the history of the field, here are some of the benefits of design automation:


Professional graphic designers generally charge a huge fee for their services. This is one of the biggest reasons why small businesses either use copyright-free images and creative assets that are rather uninspiring or take help from freelancers who don’t always meet expectations.

Design automation solves this problem, as some of the best tools available are also affordable (you can create a premium logo design for just $5 to $10!), with designs comparable to human graphic designers.

Instant Access

Working with human graphics designers may support the idea of digital marketing without losing the human touch.

However, as nice as the human touch may be, it’s a luxury that many with deadlines cannot afford; human designers can take days, if not weeks to finish assignments, and in a world in which we need results instantly, weeks aren’t going to cut it.

This is exactly where design automation tools become handy. Since these tools are readily available online, you can use them anywhere, any time, and get great visuals without needing special skills to make it happen.

Designs that Meet Your Needs

Professional graphic designers have a lot of knowledge about the industry, and non-designers can learn a lot by taking their advice.

However, as a business owner, you may have a hard time explaining your requirements to the pros. You can be as detailed as you want in your design brief, and still, you may not get the email newsletter template or on-brand image that you were expecting; sometimes it’s a matter of differences in aesthetic preference, while at others, you’re simply visualizing two different concepts.

An automated graphic design tool, on the other hand, is engineered to solve this very problem. It can accurately depict your requirements through a series of basic questions, so that you receive your designs exactly (or close to) how you imagined them. With a few touches, you can adjust the images the way you want and use them wherever you need.

Bottom Line

Automation is entering almost every industry today, and graphic design is no exception. The best part? It benefits not only small and medium enterprises but also graphic designers who have to finish projects quickly and with minimal labor. If you have never used a design automation tool before, then now is the perfect time to go for it!

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