CXO Bytes

Evolution of the Changing Workforce with the creation of new jobs by 2025

o          How is the workforce changing in India?

The current shape of the Indian workplace, particularly the growing service sector, is largely the result of a western typology  introduced to India in the 1990s without regard to the local context. While this form has evolved over time, its development has been driven primarily by commercial and real estate changes rather than specific needs or desires of the Indian cultural context.

Workplace design has a significant impact on employee performance and engagement. Today there is a growing recognition that a mature, global Indian workforce needs a workplace that fits their ethos and customs. As designers, we need to respect that “Indianness” and reflect it sensitively and appropriately.What works  in other parts of the world may not work as effectively in India.

The challenge in India  for both architects and companies is to recognize its rich cultural history, its vast landscape and the impact of the development of their work on the modern world of work. To understand how  workplace design in India can be improved, business owners, architects and designers need to have a deep understanding of how the workplace has evolved over time and the forces that have influenced that evolution.


o          How will digital transformation change the talent search across industries?

Manufacturing The digital transformation has gripped the entire manufacturing industry.

Several factories have evolved into “smart factories” that use new technologies such as artificial intelligence to automate tasks. Internet of Things devices collect data and machine learning technologies analyze the data.

Transport data plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of the transport industry. Truckers use data to determine the most efficient shipping routes, and trucking companies use data to monitor potential safety risks.Hotels in particular have undergone an immense digital transformation. Guests can use mobile devices to check into hotel rooms, AI is used to fulfill room service requests, and IoT devices collect customer data to improve the customer experience. Healthcare Healthcare is one of the leading industries in digital transformation. Financial Services When it comes to the digital transformation of financial services, mobile payments are just the tip of the iceberg.

The rise of the FinTech sector is proof that technology has taken over the industry.


o          What sectors in the new jobs are going to be in by 2025 and what would be the talent strategies by the enterprises?

  1. Digital literacy.

Given the current pace of digital transformation, it is critical to develop such skills now to lay the foundation for optimal performance in the vastly different world we are likely to face in 2025.

It’s fairly safe to assume that by 2025 we will have communicating and networking with colleagues virtually has become the norm. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with popular tools for online collaboration.

  1. Analytical and critical thinking.

Recent research has found that many professionals consider analytical or critical thinking to be their most valuable skill, both now and in the future. Similarly, the  report showed that the most innovative technology, media and telecoms (TMT) companies prioritize critical thinking  over technical skills and focus their efforts on developing that competency for success.  think critically about the information provided to make decisions, solve complex problems, and generate new ideas.

  1. Self Management.

Self-management skills, including active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility, emerged as key competencies to develop. Research suggests that employers of the future will want employees who have a growth mindset and are proactive, self-motivated, manage their time effectively, handle stress and criticism, control their emotions  and adapt easily to change.


Modern professionals must adopt responsible, adaptable, entrepreneurial and values-based leadership practices. You must be able to lead distributed and remote teams; inspire employees with empathy; promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace; promote trust and transparency; driving sustainability; and prioritizing social responsibility.


o          What are the various ways that companies can hire individuals with digital skill sets?

Focus on acquiring the critical skills needed for competitive advantage and be open to looking beyond traditional sources of qualified talent.

Target the entire skill market by unlocking talents with “adjacent” skills. Individuals with the skills necessary to perform the functions of a role can never fill that particular role or position with that particular title.

Try to use talents with related skills, especially so-called “level” skills that bridge the gap between domains. Identifying these complementary skills can help you discover non-traditional internal and external candidates. Locate global talent pools and search by talent location, not company location. The search for talent beyond company location appears to be less radical given the  workforce and workplace changes caused by COVID-19.


o          What are the various digital skills that one can learn to enhance their chances in future companies?

Digital Marketing or Social Marketing Marketing teams use the data collected through digital channels to determine the performance of campaigns  and to develop new strategies.  The skills required to create such marketing campaigns and strategies, such as Keyword optimization, social media marketing, and improving user experience and engagement can be helpful. Business activities must directly or indirectly affect sales, and that includes marketing.

Coding isn’t just for techies, there are many features that require coding skills these days, including compliance and risk management, digital marketing, and quality assurance. Programming changes the way you see the world and teaches you logical problem-solving skills.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help you deliver more relevant, personalized and innovative products and services.  You need to know  how using AI and machine learning would impact your work.  Also learn how these AI technology solutions can improve internal processes and save costs in the long term.


(The author is Mr. Harsh Bharwani, CEO & Managing Director of Jetking, and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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