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Role of Technology to eradicate Hunger

More than 795 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hunger. It follows that one in every nine persons lacks adequate food to consume regularly. All ages are negatively impacted by hunger, but children are particularly vulnerable. Children who are undernourished suffer in school, are more prone to illness, and their bodies and minds don’t develop properly. Additionally, there are several elements that contribute to hunger, but the majority of them may be broken down to two basic causes: violence and poverty.

AI has the potential to increase agricultural productivity and hence help in the reduction of world hunger by helping farmers choose the best time to plant their crops.

Other global goals, such as lowering poverty, enhancing health, and advancing gender equality, cannot be attained without eliminating hunger. In a number of ways, artificial intelligence (AI) can assist in achieving Sustainable Development.

AI, for instance, can forecast crop yields, increase agricultural production, and anticipate food demand. AI can also aid in more effective food distribution and decrease food waste. It can help to improve nutrition in addition to boosting agricultural productivity and decreasing food waste. For instance, create individualized nutrition regimens and monitor nutritional intake. For individuals most at risk of malnutrition, AI can also prioritize nutritional interventions. Although AI has a lot of potential for lowering hunger and enhancing nutrition, it’s vital to keep in mind that it is not a solution.

We require a comprehensive strategy that involves investments in social safety programmes, infrastructure, and education if we are to actually abolish hunger. But if it can increase agricultural output, we will be well on our way to truly ending world hunger.

Consequently, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture has the potential to improve food safety, lower prices, and increase yields. It is crucial to find and use the greatest technologies for increased food production if we have to eradicate hunger on Earth. Machine learning, predictive modeling, and drones are just a few of the many different forms of AI technologies that can be applied in agriculture. Although the application of AI to agriculture is still in its infancy, there is a great deal of potential for it to have a big impact on food production. AI has the potential to help us end world hunger and build a more sustainable future for our planet with the correct investments and regulations in place.

In order to understand the advantages of eliminating hunger, it is important to understand that it is a significant issue for many nations throughout the world and one of the leading causes of illness and mortality, since it affects millions of people annually. But hunger is a problem that can also be fixed. The use of artificial intelligence is one of many strategies for reducing hunger. The possibilities for AI to lessen hunger are numerous:

  1. First, AI may be used to better target programmes that provide food assistance. AI can help identify regions where food aid is most needed and then direct resources there. This is done by leveraging data and analytics. This can ensure that programmes offering food assistance are more successful in eliminating hunger.
  2. Food can be distributed more effectively with the use of AI. AI can assist in identifying regions with a high demand for food but a limited supply by leveraging data and analytics. Following the comparison of this data, resources can be redirected appropriately, cutting down on waste and increasing effective use.
  3. The usage of AI can boost agricultural output. Pests and weather are two examples of elements that frequently restrict agricultural production. However, by giving farmers improved knowledge about these issues, AI can aid in enhancing agricultural production. AI can also be utilized to create fresh technologies that can boost agricultural output, including more effective irrigation systems.

Summing Up

The  goal of eliminating hunger using artificial intelligence is attainable with the correct technologies and collaborations. AI enables us to more effectively identify the places that require assistance and create resource distribution strategies that are more effective. As nations started collaborating in novel ways to reach a sustainable and win-win overall result, we must continue to be committed to leveraging AI to solve hunger and food insecurity globally.

(The author is Mr. Vikas Parchhanda, CEO, Akshaya Chaitanya and the views expressed in this article are his own)

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