
Breaking barriers and achieving success in digital era

In a world that is constantly evolving, digital has played a huge role in breaking down barriers and opening up new opportunities for success. Gone are the days where location or social status dictated one’s ability to achieve their goals. With technology at our fingertips, the innovation & geography knows no bounds & anyone can make their mark on the world. However, while these technological advancements have brought about numerous benefits and possibilities, they also come with their own set of challenges, especially in terms of speedy adoption or being left out. In this blog post, we will explore how individuals/firms can break through these barriers to achieve success in today’s digital era!


The digital era is the current stage of human history, characterized by the unprecedented spread of digital technologies and their application in all aspects of human activity. The term “digital era” was first coined in the early 21st century and has since become widely used to refer to this period.


Walls don’t exist in the age of digital technology. When a visionary disruptor arises, the public merely learns about the benefits and contrasts it to the options they had been using up until that point and did not have any issues with. The widespread application of digital technologies, which has accelerated the growth of many aspects of human life, is what makes the current period a digital one. The most notable changes have been in the ways we communicate, conduct business, and pass the time. Also, it has had a big impact on our politics, business, and society.


Success in the digital age is frequently based on one’s capacity to adapt and go beyond obstacles. The most successful people or firms are frequently those who can stay up with the current trends and make use of new tools because technology is continuously changing and evolving.


Some tips on how you can overcome common barriers and achieve success in the digital era:

  • Stay Up To Date: It is one thing to know what is happening around you – it is completely another to assess the impact it can create. This means being willing to learn new things and keeping up with the latest technology, that you feel will make an impact in your area of expertise or business. There are many resources available, such as online forums, tech blogs, and even social media groups, using which you can get a sense of what is gaining traction.
  • Be Flexible: Once you have already evaluated the impact of any change, and if it is relevant to you – you should be brave & flexible enough to adopt what’s incoming to best use for yourself or your business. This means being willing to try new things – don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works for you.
  • Utilize Resources well: Trend being new, there will be a lot of noise around it & despite there being lots of hullabaloos around it, there would be little meaning information. Use whatever is trusted – online courses, tutorials, websites, and blogs that offer tips, tricks, and advice on a variety of topics – mix it up with pool of resources available to you & allocate them (time or people) in a judicious way.


If all the things mentioned above tick for you, Small and Mid-Sized companies should respond promptly to customer needs and follow the trendsetters. SMEs themselves do not have the financial or human resources to create trends but the only way to make most of such relevant innovations is to adapt their business models as soon as possible to suit the market. As a result, they would keep their competitive advantage. For them to follow this approach, they should implement a process led workstyle which will help them keep the costs low by increasing system productivity and efficiency, & that would help them use that money to invest in rapid technological advancements to help them sustain for the future.


In conclusion, it is possible to succeed in the digital age, but it takes a combination of effort and commitment. Understanding how to use technology can provide you an advantage when it comes to succeeding and overcoming obstacles. Anybody can reach their potential and build a great career that is both lucrative and fulfilling with the appropriate approach, attitude, and mindset.



(The author is Sangeeta Verma, Director at digiDZN – & digiCART India – an E-commerce company., and the views expressed in this article are her own)

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